Kildalton Henry

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Henry is owned by the lovely Alex and Adrian Taylor and has now been with Fiona for 5 years. He is an extremely talented horse that if everything comes together he could be a class act. He lacks strength in his flatwork but we are hoping that this will come with time. He is a very careful showjumper and is as brave as a lion XC. He is slightly of the opinion that he knows best and as long as he thinks that he is in control of the situation he is awsome (typical man)! Henry ran in the early spring of 2019, he did 5 novices jumping double clear around all of them including a win at Aston. When Fiona found out she was pregnant, we decided to give him some time out and then bring him back into work through the winter to work on his flat work. This really paid off as he is now feeling more balanced and together in all three paces. 2021 has been a good season for Henry achieving numerous placings at intermediate. The highlight has to be Tweseldown where he competed in his first 3* which he only went and WON! His second 3* didn’t quite go as well! It was his first ever stay away competition which he found very stressful being stabled somewhere else was just too much for him. So we are now on a mission to give him as many stay away experiences as possible so this becomes a normality of competing. He absolutely loves his job and Fiona really thinks he could be a top horse so watch this space.
Henry had quieter seasons in 2022 and 2023, but still gained good results, with many top ten placings at intermediate. He also went to Ballindenisk 3*-L where he was much improved from his last stay away competition to finish 16th.
He has come out on good form in 2024, going double clear in all his events and getting 2 top 5 placings. We look forwards to the rest of the season with him.